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C# Delphi


Welcome to the Documentation for Microting eForm .Net SDK

This is still a work in progress and subject to changes and thereby not a complete descriptions of what the SDK is capable of.

Basic startup

Setup the db

To set up a the db for the first time, use this code:

using  eFormCore;

public void setupDb() {
    string connectionStr = "some_connection_string_to_db";
    string token = "token";
    AdminTools adminTools = null;
         adminTools = new AdminTools(connectionStr);
    } catch
        adminTools = new AdminTools(connectionStr);


  System.SysUtils, AdminTools;

procedure SetupDb;
  connectionStr: String;
  token: String;
  adminTools: TAdminTools;
   connectionStr := 'some_connection_string_to_db';
   token := 'token';
   adminTools := nil;
     adminTools := TAdminTools.Create(connectionStr);
    on E: Exception do
       adminTools := TAdminTools.Create(connectionStr);

Make sure to replace token with your API token. Make sure to replace some_connection_string_to_db with your MS SQL connection string.

Microting eForm uses API token keys to allow access to the API

Setup path for images and PDF documents

By default the SDK is using the below paths for pictures/signatures and PDF documents. Change these values in the Settings table as needed.

name value
fileLocationPicture dataFolder/picture/
fileLocationPdf dataFolder/pdf/

Start the core for web usage

To set up a basic core for web usage, use this code:

using eFormCore;

public Core getCore()
    string connectionStr = "some_connection_string_to_db";

    this.core = new Core();

    if (core.StartSqlOnly(connectionStr))
        return core;
        throw new Exception("Core is not running");

uses  System.SysUtils, Core;

function GetCore: TCore;
  connectionStr: String;
  core: TCore;
  connectionStr := 'some_connection_string_to_db';

  core := TCore.Create;

  if (not core.StartSqlOnly(connectionStr)) then
    raise Exception.Create('Core is not running');

  result := core;

Make sure to replace some_connection_string_to_db with your MS SQL connection string.

Microting eForm uses API token keys to allow access to the API

Start the core for windows service or console

To set up a basic core for windows service or console usage, use this code:

using eFormCore;

public Core getCore()
    string connectionStr = "some_connection_string_to_db";

    this.core = new Core();

    if (core.Start(connectionStr))
        return core;
        throw new Exception("Core is not running");

uses System.SysUtils, Core;

function GetCore: TCore;
  connectionStr: String;
  core: TCore;
  connectionStr := 'some_connection_string_to_db';

  core := TCore.Create;

  if (not core.Start(connectionStr)) then
    raise Exception.Create('Core is not running');

  result := core;

Make sure to replace some_connection_string_to_db with your MS SQL connection string.

Microting eForm uses API token keys to allow access to the API

Local eForm templates

Create a basic eForm template from XML

using eFormCore;
using eFormData;

public void SaveTemplate()
    Core core = getCore();

    MainElement newTemplate = core.TemplateFromXml(templateXmlString);
    newTemplate = core.TemplateUploadData(newTemplate);

    if (core.TemplateValidation(newTemplate).count == 0)

uses System.SysUtils, Core, MainElement;

procedure SaveTemplate;
  core: TCore;
  newTemplate: TMainElement;
  templateXmlString: String;
  core := GetCore;

  templateXmlString := 'some_template_xml_string';

  newTemplate := core.TemplatFromXml(templateXmlString);
  newTemplate := core.TemplateUploadData(newTemplate);

  if (core.TemplateValidation(newTemplate).Count = 0) then


Create a basic eForm template by objects

Listing all eForm templates

using eFormCore;
using eFormShared;

public List<Template_Dto> ListTemplates()
    Core core = getCore();

    return core.TemplateItemReadAll(false);

uses System.SysUtils, Generics.Collections, Core, Classes;

function ListTemplates: TObjectList<TTemplate_Dto>;
  core: TCore;
  core := GetCore;

  result := core.TemplateItemReadAll(false);

Deleting an eForm template

using eFormCore;

public bool DeleteTemplate(int id)
    Core core = getCore();

    if (core.TemplateDelete(id))
        return true;
        return false;
uses System.SysUtils, Core;

function DeleteTemplate(id: integer): boolean;
  core: TCore;
  core := GetCore;

  if (core.TemplateDelete(id)) then
    result := true
    result := false;

Deployment of eForms

Deploying to one site

using eFormCore;
using eFormData;

public List<string> DeployTo(int templateId, int siteId)
    Core core = getCore();  

    MainElement mainElement = core.TemplateRead(templateId);
    mainElement.Repeated = 0; 
    // We set this right now hardcoded, 
    // this will let the eForm be deployed until end date or we actively retract it.
    mainElement.EndDate = DateTime.Now.AddYears(10);
    mainElement.StartDate = DateTime.Now;

    SiteName_Dto site = core.Advanded_SiteItemRead(siteId);

    return core.CaseCreate(mainElement, "", site.SiteUId, "");

uses System.SysUtils, System.Classes, System.DateUtils,
  Generics.Collections, Core, MainElement, Classes;

function DeployTo(templateId: integer; siteId: integer): TStringList;
  core: TCore;
  mainElement: TMainElement;
  site: TSiteName_Dto;
  siteIds: TList<Integer>;
  core := GetCore;

  mainElement := core.TemplateRead(templateId);
  mainElement.Repeated := 0;
  // We set this right now hardcoded,
  // this will let the eForm be deployed until end date or we actively retract it.
  mainElement.StartDate := Date;
  mainElement.EndDate := IncYear(Date, 10);

  site := core.Advanced_SiteItemRead(siteId);

  siteIds := TList<Integer>.Create;

  result := core.CaseCreate(mainElement, '', siteIds, '');

Deploying to one or more sites

using eFormCore;
using eFormData;

public List<string> DeployTo(int templateId, List<int> sitesToBeDeployedTo)
    Core core = getCore();

    MainElement mainElement = core.TemplateRead(templateId);
    mainElement.Repeated = 0; 
    // We set this right now hardcoded, 
    // this will let the eForm be deployed until end date or we actively retract it.
    mainElement.EndDate = DateTime.Now.AddYears(10);
    mainElement.StartDate = DateTime.Now;
    return core.CaseCreate(mainElement, "", sitesToBeDeployedTo, "");
uses System.SysUtils, System.Classes, System.DateUtils,
  Generics.Collections, Core, MainElement;

function DeployTo(templateId: Integer; sitesToBeDeployedTo: TList<Integer>): TStringList;
  core: TCore;
  mainElement: TMainElement;
  siteIds: TList<Integer>;
  core := GetCore;

  mainElement := core.TemplateRead(templateId);
  mainElement.Repeated := 0;
  // We set this right now hardcoded,
  // this will let the eForm be deployed until end date or we actively retract it.
  mainElement.StartDate := Date;
  mainElement.EndDate := IncYear(Date, 10);

  result := core.CaseCreate(mainElement, '', sitesToBeDeployedTo, '');

sitesToBeDeployedTo should contain the SiteUId for the sites to deploy to.

Retracting deployments

using eFormCore;

public void DeployTo(int templateId, List<int> sitesToBeRetractedFrom)
    Core core = getCore();

    foreach (int siteUId in sitesToBeRetractedFrom)
        core.CaseDelete(templateId, siteUId);
uses System.SysUtils, System.Classes, Generics.Collections, Core;

procedure DeployTo(templateId: integer; sitesToBeRetractedFrom: TList<integer>);
  core: TCore;
  siteUID: integer;
  core := GetCore;

  for siteUID in sitesToBeRetractedFrom do
     core.CaseDelete(templateId, siteUId);

sitesToBeRetractedFrom should contain the SiteUId for the sites to retract from.

Listing deployed sites pr template

using eFormCore;

public List<SiteName_Dto> ListDeployedSites(int templateId)
    Core core = getCore();

    Template_Dto templateDto = core.TemplateItemRead(templateId);

    return templateDto.DeployedSites;    
uses System.SysUtils, System.Classes, Generics.Collections,
  Core, Classes;

function ListDeployedSites(templateId: integer) : TObjectList<TSiteName_Dto>;
  core: TCore;
  templateDto: TTemplate_Dto;
  core := GetCore;

  templateDto := core.TemplateItemRead(templateId);

  result := templateDto.DeployedSites;

Setting display index after deployment

using eFormCore;             
using eFormShared;

public void SetDisplayIndexForTemplate(int templateId, int displayIndex)
    Core core = getCore();

    Template_Dto templateDto = core.TemplateItemRead(templateId);

    if (core.Advanced_TemplateDisplayIndexChangeDb(templateId, displayIndex)) 
        foreach (SiteName_Dto site in templateDto.DeployedSites) 
            core.Advanced_TemplateDisplayIndexChangeServer(templateDto.microtingUId, site.siteId, displayIndex);

uses System.SysUtils, System.Classes, Generics.Collections,
  Core, Classes;

procedure SetDisplayIndexForTemplate(templateId: integer; displayIndex: integer);
  core: TCore;
  templateDto: TTemplate_Dto;
  site: TSiteName_Dto;
  core := GetCore;

  templateDto := core.TemplateItemRead(templateId);
  if (core.Advanced_TemplateDisplayIndexChangeDb(templateId, displayIndex)) then
      for site in templateDto.DeployedSites do
        core.Advanced_TemplateDisplayIndexChangeServer(templateId, site.SiteUId, displayIndex);

Using results

Getting cases pr template as object

using eFormCore;
using eFormShared;

public List<Case> ListCasesForTemplate(int templateId)
    Core core = getCore();

    return core.CaseReadAll(templateId, null, null);

uses System.SysUtils, System.Classes, Generics.Collections,
  Core, Classes, DateUtils;

function ListCasesForTemplate(templateId: integer) : TObjectList<TCase>;
  core: TCore;
  startDate: TDateTime;
  endDate: TDateTime;
  core := GetCore;

  startDate := IncYear(Date, -10);
  endDate := IncYear(Date, 10);

  result := core.CaseReadAll(templateId, startDate, endDate);

Getting cases pr template as csv

using eFormCore;

public String Csv(int templateId)
    Core core = getCore();

    string file_name = $"{templateId}_{DateTime.Now.Ticks}.csv";
    string file_path = $"~/bin/output/{file_name}";
    // file_path is the location where you want the output file stored.
    string image_path = string.Format("{0}://{1}{2}",Request.Url.Scheme, 
    Request.Url.Authority, Url.Content("~")) + "output/dataFolder/"; 
    // image_path is the location where pictures/signatures are stored
    core.CasesToCsv(templateId, null, null, file_path, image_path);

    return file_path;
uses System.SysUtils, System.Classes, Generics.Collections,
  Core, Classes, DateUtils;

function Csv(templateId: integer): string;
  core: TCore;
  file_path: string;
  image_path: string;

  startDate: TDateTime;
  endDate: TDateTime;

  core := GetCore;

  startDate := IncYear(Date, -10);
  endDate := IncYear(Date, 10);

  file_path := 'output path with filename where csv will be saved to';
  image_path := 'location where pictures/signatures are stored';

  core.CasesToCsv(templateId, startDate, endDate, file_path, image_path);

  result := file_path;

Getting a single case

using eFormCore;
using eFormData;

public ReplyElement Edit(int caseId)
    Core core = getCore();

    Case_Dto caseDto = core.CaseReadByCaseId(caseId);
    string microting_uuid = caseDto.MicrotingUId;
    string microting_check_uid = caseDto.CheckUId;
    return core.CaseRead(microting_uuid, microting_check_uid);
uses System.SysUtils, Core, Classes, MainElement;

function Edit(caseId: integer): TReplyElement;
  core: TCore;
  caseDto: TCase_Dto;
  microting_uuid: string;
  microting_check_uid: string;
  core := TCore.Create;

  caseDto := core.CaseReadByCaseId(caseId);
  microting_uuid := caseDto.MicrotingUId;
  microting_check_uid := caseDto.CheckUId;
  result := core.CaseRead(microting_uuid, microting_check_uid);

Saving modified results for a case

using eFormCore;

public bool Update(int caseId)
    Core core = getCore();

    List<string> checkListValueList = new List<string>();
    List<string> fieldValueList = new List<string>();

    // For each check list value do

    // For each field value do

    // if the field is a MultiSelect with options [1,2,3,4] and 
    // option 1 and 3 was selected, the result needs to look like

    return core.CaseUpdate(caseId, fieldValueList, checkListValueList);
Delphi code is comming here soon.

This asumes that you are saving results coming from a form post.



List all “workers”

using eFormCore;
using eFormShared;

public List<Site_Dto> CreateWorker()
    Core core = getCore();

    return core.SiteReadAll(false);     

Delphi code is comming here soon.

Create a new “worker”

using eFormCore;
using eFormShared;

public Site_Dto CreateWorker()
    Core core = getCore();

    return core.SiteCreate(siteName, userFirstName, userLastName, null);

Delphi code is comming here soon.

Edit a “worker”

using eFormCore;
using eFormShared;

public bool UpdateWorker()
    Core core = getCore();

    Site_Dto siteDto = core.SiteRead(id); // id of the worker
    Worker_Dto workerDto = core.Advanced_WorkerRead((int)siteDto.WorkerUid);
    string userFirstName = "myNewFirstName";
    string userLastName = "myNewLastName";

    string fullName = userFirstName + " " + userLastName;
    return core.SiteUpdate(id, fullName, userFirstName, userLastName, workerDto.Email);       

Delphi code is comming here soon.

Request new OTP

using eFormCore;
using eFormShared;

public eFormShared.Site_Dto GetOtp()
    Core core = getCore();

    return core.SiteReset(id); // id of the worker

Delphi code is comming here soon.

Deleting a “worker”

using eFormCore;
using eFormShared;

public bool DeleteWorker()
    Core core = getCore();

    SiteName_Dto siteNameDto = core.Advanced_SiteItemRead(id); // id of the worker

    return core.SiteDelete(siteNameDto.SiteUId);    

Delphi code is comming here soon.



List all sites

using eFormCore;
using eFormShared;

public List<SiteName_Dto> ListAllSites()
    Core core = getCore();

    return core.Advanced_SiteItemReadAll();     

Delphi code is comming here soon.

Create a site

using eFormCore;
using eFormShared;

public bool CreateSite()
    Core core = getCore();

    SiteName_Dto siteNameDto = core.Advanced_SiteItemRead(id); // id of the worker

    return core.Advanced_SiteItemDelete(siteNameDto.SiteUId);    

Delphi code is comming here soon.

Update a site

using eFormCore;
using eFormShared;

public bool UpdateSite(int siteId, string siteId)
    Core core = getCore();

    SiteName_Dto site = core.Advanced_SiteItemRead(siteId);
    core.Advanced_SiteItemUpdate((int)site.SiteUId, siteId);   

Delphi code is comming here soon.

Delete a site

using eFormCore;
using eFormShared;

public bool DeleteSite(siteId)
    Core core = getCore();

    return core.Advanced_SiteItemDelete(siteId);

Delphi code is comming here soon.


List all units

using eFormCore;
using eFormShared;

public List<Site_Dto> CreateWorker()
    Core core = getCore();

    return core.SiteReadAll(false);     

Delphi code is comming here soon.

Request a new OTP


List all workers

using eFormCore;
using eFormShared;

public List<Site_Dto> CreateWorker()
    Core core = getCore();

    return core.SiteReadAll(false);     

Delphi code is comming here soon.

Create a worker

Update a worker

Delete a worker


Listing all groups

using eFormCore;
using eFormShared;

public EntityGroupList ListAllEntityGroups()
    Core core = getCore();

    return core.Advanced_EntityGroupAll("", "", 0, 100, "EntitySearch");
    // No sorting, can sort by either id or name
    // No filter is applied
    // We start at page 0
    // We have 100 entries per page.

Delphi code is comming here soon.

Creating a list

using eFormCore;
using eFormShared;

public string ListAllEntityGroups()
    Core core = getCore();

    return core.EntityGroupCreate("EntitySearch", "NameOfMyGroup");    

Delphi code is comming here soon.

Adding items to a list

using eFormCore;
using eFormShared;

public bool AddItemToEntityGroup()
    Core core = getCore();

    EntityGroup eG = core.EntityGroupRead(entityGroupMUId);
    eG.Add(new EntityItem("ItemName", "ItemDescription", "1", "created")); // Do this for each itm you want to add.

    return core.EntityGroupUpdate(eG);

Delphi code is comming here soon.

Updating items in a list

using eFormCore;
using eFormShared;

public bool UpdateItemInEntityGroup()
    Core core = getCore();

    EntityGroup eG = core.EntityGroupRead(entityGroupMUId);
    eG.EntityGroupItemList[0].name = "MyNewName";
    eG.EntityGroupItemList[0].Description = "MyNewDescription";

    return core.EntityGroupUpdate(eG);

Delphi code is comming here soon.

Deleting items from a list

using eFormCore;
using eFormShared;

public bool UpdateItemInEntityGroup()
    Core core = getCore();

    EntityGroup eG = core.EntityGroupRead(entityGroupMUId);   

    return core.EntityGroupUpdate(eG);

Delphi code is comming here soon.

Using the list in a eForm template


Listing all groups

using eFormCore;
using eFormShared;

public EntityGroupList ListAllEntityGroups()
    Core core = getCore();

    return core.Advanced_EntityGroupAll("", "", 0, 100, "EntitySelect");
    // No sorting, can sort by either id or name
    // No filter is applied
    // We start at page 0
    // We have 100 entries per page.

Delphi code is comming here soon.

Creating a list

using eFormCore;
using eFormShared;

public string ListAllEntityGroups()
    Core core = getCore();

    return core.EntityGroupCreate("EntitySelect", "NameOfMyGroup");    

Delphi code is comming here soon.

Adding items to a list

using eFormCore;
using eFormShared;

public bool AddItemToEntityGroup()
    Core core = getCore();

    EntityGroup eG = core.EntityGroupRead(entityGroupMUId);
    eG.Add(new EntityItem("ItemName", "ItemDescription", "1", "created")); // Do this for each itm you want to add.

    return core.EntityGroupUpdate(eG);

Delphi code is comming here soon.

Updating items in a list

using eFormCore;
using eFormShared;

public bool UpdateItemInEntityGroup()
    Core core = getCore();

    EntityGroup eG = core.EntityGroupRead(entityGroupMUId);
    eG.EntityGroupItemList[0].name = "MyNewName";
    eG.EntityGroupItemList[0].Description = "MyNewDescription";

    return core.EntityGroupUpdate(eG);

Delphi code is comming here soon.

Deleting items from a list

using eFormCore;
using eFormShared;

public bool UpdateItemInEntityGroup()
    Core core = getCore();

    EntityGroup eG = core.EntityGroupRead(entityGroupMUId);   

    return core.EntityGroupUpdate(eG);

Delphi code is comming here soon.

Using the list in a eForm template


Microting eForm API uses the following error codes:

Error Code Meaning
400 Bad Request
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
405 Method Not Allowed
406 Not Acceptable
410 Gone
418 I’m a teapot
429 Too Many Requests
500 Internal Server Error
503 Service Unavailable